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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ï»¿Nelson Mandela

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​Infant Classrooms

Our Infant Program provides your little one with a very loving, nurturing, and caring environment to help them build and develop their minds and bodies. We allow your baby to develop at their own pace and to help them build strong bonds with other children and their caregivers by using positive and supportive interactions which builds trust and self-esteem.


Our Teachers are dedicated in enhancing your baby’s development by helping and guiding them to discover and explore the new big world around them. Your baby will be encouraged to move freely around the room, to play and explore with the age-appropriate toys that are right at their level to help them build independence and to help generate interest and curiosity. All of these opportunities provide your child with the maximum learning experience and provide your baby with plenty of stimulation throughout their day.


Our Teachers use daily reports as a great written communication tool between you the parent and the caregiver. Our Teachers note your child’s day to day activities, diaper changes, feedings, naps, and new milestones.


Although your little one makes up their own day to day schedule our Teachers always make time for “one on one” with your child to:

  • Read a story

  • Sing a song- Lullaby/ABC’s

  • Feed/Change

  • Tummy time

  • Rock to sleep

  • Cuddle & Smile together

  • Imitate each other

  • Be caring, loving, nurturing and understanding

  • Play time-with always enough time for a great game of peek-a-boo!


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​Tods & Twos Classrooms
Our Toddler and Two Year old Programs provide your child with the love and understanding that is needed for this age group. We understand the frustrating times that toddlers have with expressing their feelings and putting their feelings into words, so our well balanced and structured curriculum focuses on this and provides stimulating activities to not only keep their minds busy but their little fingers and bodies as well.


We have designed the toddler classroom with the toddler child in mind, providing them with the developmentally age-appropriate toys that can be found on easily accessible shelves that are right at the child’s level to help promote independence to help build confidence and self-esteem in your child.


Our Teachers help and guide your child to learn and develop at their own pace and to encourage your toddler to be curious, to explore, to be independent, to play, to share, to take turns, to communicate with others, and most importantly to help them to discover new, fun and exciting things in the world around them.


Through this active developmental approach, your child will learn to feel comfortable with others as well as with their teachers. They will learn to express their feelings and to welcome new experiences.


Our program will help to nourish your child’s social, emotional, intellectual, and developmental needs, by providing many opportunities in:





Music & movement

... and many other exciting activities

            throughout your child’s day!




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Preschool Classrooms

Our preschool program, through an emphasis on play, interactions, and a quality curriculum, encourages your child’s natural curiosity and promotes the development of self-help skills, communication skills, social competence, and positive self-esteem. Our program includes a balance of individual and group experiences, structure and non-structured, teacher-initiated and child-initiated activities. We provide your child with many different opportunities to explore, help guide them to be more independent, and encourage them to be more self-confident in themselves and their choices. We encourage your child to socialize and communicate with others – to make friends, to get involved with group activities, and to develop social and cooperating skills such as sharing, listening and following directions. This not only provides your child with the maximum learning experience on a day to day basis, but it also helps develop the needed skills to prepare your child for Kindergarten and life experiences.


The curriculum for our Preschool is based on providing a very hands-on learning environment for children. We offer your child a very structured and stimulating preschool experience, providing a weekly based theme with supportive supplies and materials in an encouraging environment. This keeps children busy, engaged, and interested in learning new and exciting things.


Our classrooms are set up into fun Learning Centers providing children the extra additional structured areas to promote and encourage learning. These centers are designed for children to learn new and exciting things and, most importantly, to have fun while doing so.


  • Block Center - Children build with blocks and create buildings and roadways. Once their imaginations take off, the possibilities are endless.

  • Science & Math Center - Children learn counting skills and gain a love for science with fun science projects and experiments.

  • Dramatic Play - Pretend play is great to build a child’s imagination- dress-up clothes, shoes, pretend food, cups, etc. are all provided.

  • Art & Crafts Center - Children express themselves and use paint and other materials to create their very own special masterpieces.

  • Music Area - Children move freely – to dance, follow directions with a record, use a parachute, use musical instruments, etc.

  • Language & Writing Center - Children learn how to recognize and sound out letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and other concepts and will also practice writing their name and small sentences.

  • Manipulative Center - This area is great for children to feel independent and to make a choice for themselves by choosing fun learning materials located on easily accessible shelves right at the child’s level.

  • Library Area - Children may sit and relax in this area and read a good book, either by themselves, with a teacher or friend.

  • Circle Time Area - Children learn about the days of the week, months, holidays, weather, etc.  They sing songs and discuss the week's theme, new topics, letters, numbers, and shapes. This is a great opportunity for the teachers and the children to interact and communicate with each other one on one.

  • Sensory Table - This table is always filled with new and exciting things for children to explore and play with. Water, rice, paper scraps for cutting, and snow are just a few fun things that we place in the sensory table.


We believe each child is a unique individual. Learning experiences are cultivated through social interaction, educational activities and discovery, but primarily through play. Play is an essential part of childhood and offers the freedom children need to try out new ideas, practice developing skills, develop relationships, and build confidence.


We believe that each child is a unique individual with a desire to learn which is increased when given the opportunity to develop at their own rate. We strive to provide an environment which nurtures and encourages children to grow mentally, socially, physically, spiritually, and emotionally according to each child’s individual needs. Our curriculum is designed to support these goals and to help each child develop the confidence to openly explore and discover the world around them.


We are committed to working with parents and guardians to optimize each child’s potential as a lifelong learner. Together, we will provide opportunities for children that encourage a love for learning, a sense of personal worth, a respect for others, and learning experiences that will help them develop and exercise the skills they have attained and ready them for Kindergarten success.


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School Age Classroom

Our School Age is child directed but always teacher supported. Our teachers can meet with parents to arrange help with homework assignments and tutoring if necessary, but we understand that after school, children need time and space to play. Our supervised playgrounds are divided by age group to allow children to expend the special energy only kids have.


During the summer months, Children’s Garden Learning Center is a happy and safe place for children of all ages to spend the long, lazy days of summer. Children and staff enjoy a camp-like atmosphere with lots of outdoor activities focusing on sports, recreation, drama, field trips, science, gardening, and water play.


Our School-Age Program is for children ages 5-12 years old that attend school. We provide care for: summer, after-school, holiday, and days that school is closed due to school in-service, breaks, or extreme temperatures. Our program provides your school-age child with many opportunities for creative, recreational, and restful activities as appropriate to meet the needs of each child.

Our goal for this age group is to have the children interact with each other, to make friends, and to work in small groups together. Our program promotes individual choice, independence, socialization, problem solving, decision making, and the overall self-confidence and self-esteem that is needed for every child in the world today.


Our Teachers are dedicated to ensuring that school-age children have fun and that coming to our center is not a duplication of their day at school. Our Teachers also set aside special time to help children with homework assignments they may have.


The children will have many opportunities to participate in many different activities such as:

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Music & Movement

  • Outdoor Fun / Indoor Play Area

  • The centers within the classroom
    (block area, dramatic play, manipulative play, art, etc.)

  • Free Time / choosing their own activities
    (board games, relaxing, or reading a good book)

  • Homework Time


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© 2021 Children's Garden Learning Center

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